A student or professional may discover their interest at any age. Finding your passion is a personal adventure that can begin at any age. While some individuals may find their true calling at a young age, others might not.
It's also critical to keep in mind that as people develop, learn, and encounter new things, their interests may change over time. People frequently change their careers or pursue numerous passions over the course of their lives.
To learn what truly makes you happy and fulfilled, it's essential to keep exploring your interests, trying new things, and thinking back on your experiences. It's never too early or too late to start pursuing your interests because this can occur at any age.
I would like to demonstrate to you The Three-dot theory, which is the most unique and basic theory.
How does the three-dot theory assist in identifying the subject of passion?
The first dot stands for everything you enjoy doing, be it dancing, music, public speaking, or anything else.
These questions may help you to figure out your first dot.
What would you do today if you no longer had to worry about money?
What would you do every day for the remainder of your life, assuming you were a billionaire, to make yourself happy?
What is the one thing you can do all day long without stopping for food?
What is one thing that you would continue to do even if you were not being paid?
The second dot finds the skills around what you love doing. This is the most important step to finding your passion. The third dot represents the problem that you intend to address by engaging in what you love and mastering that skill.
These three dots can be connected to reveal patterns and connections that may point you in the direction of possible areas of interest or find your passion or purpose in your life. For instance, you might consider that you love to talk about mental health and you develop writing skill and research skills and observe that this is one of the biggest problem statements nowadays.
The Three Dot Theory is ultimately a self-reflection and exploration tool that can assist you in discovering possible areas of passion. Finding the correct path may take some time, and it may be necessary to continue exploring and experimenting to find your true passion.
I hope this article helps you to find your passion.
If yes, write me in the comment section, please.
A note of thanks for the opportunity