The stimulus of this article is to give you a deep dive into the references for the most basic topics one should be knowing before understanding Indian texts. Undoubtedly, there are much more assumptions, facts & calculations to it. This is just a beginner's ride.
Types of existent world-material & non-material:
In simpler terms, the creation taken as a whole comprises two existent worlds- the materialistic world & non-materialistic world. The major characteristics which differentiate one from the other are conditions of birth, death, old age, time- scale and disease. These conditions are applicable to materialistic worlds but not to non-materialistic ones. Surprisingly, the material world only gathers up to the form ¼ th of the creation, the rest ¾ is non-materialistic. The materialistic world is the world in which we(humans) have spent lifetimes. Coming to inhabitants of the non-material world, texts mention that they have a glowing sky-bluish complexion and some of them are even effulgent like coral.
Nature of Time & Universe:
The eternal time, an inseparable characteristic of the materialistic world doesn't have any influence in the non-materialistic world at all. This is why the question of birth & death becomes pointless in such a framework of an obscure world. Taking into focus the materialistic time nature, it has different dimensions in relation to particular physical embodiments. There is a time for atomic dissolution & a time for universal dissolution. In other words, each & every individual entity also has its own time frame which is greatly influenced by the time scale on which the universe operates.
Eternal time is the primary source of the interactions of three modes of nature and will be discussed further. The cosmic manifestation is as it is now, it was the same in the past, and it will continue in the same way in the future. Hence, the nature of universal time is counted upon to be cyclic. The point to be noted here is that the living entity’s personal time scale influenced by actions is linear to the most extent. There is a cyclic schedule for the perpetual manifestation, maintenance and annihilation of the material world.
The Indian scriptures describe the whole creation of the universe & time frames in reference to Brahma’s (topmost hierarchical person among conditioned living entities in a materialistic world entitled to death, disease etc) life span. The Brahma, Indra, Brihaspati or residents of different lokas (planetary systems) which are situated in the materialistic world are not immortal beings but are major positions or systematic activities that are assigned to specific entities which come in different maha-kalpas (1 day of Brahma) and take that specific role based on their past actions.
For better visualization, take it as a race for the class monitor, every month the same role is given to a new individual having the required qualities. Similarly, the systematic universal positions are given to different individuals in the time scale they are born & the qualities they possess. Of course, the material manifestation is temporary and occasional, but it is not false at all. This is because the specific individuals who have successfully embraced their time period in the materialistic world after handling hierarchy positions sincerely get shifted to the non-materialistic world as a course result of their actions.
Working of time- cyclic devastations & rehabilitations:
The process of creation and annihilation takes place majorly in three phases for both respectively. The creation takes place in the phases of Maha-Kalpa (full creation & annihilation), vikalpa (birth of the topmost hierarchical living being) and Kalpa (regular working of the universe for 1 day of Brahma). The annihilations correspond at variegated timings with the respect to the driven purpose which can be: 1) full devastation 2) partial devastation & 3) individual devastation
Major calculations are taken in reference to the following time scale units of a Brahma’s day: -
Creation cycle= 2 parardhas
Devastation cycle = 2 parardhas
Brahma’s Life Span =100 yrs.= 2 parardhas (100 yrs. of Brahma = 311,040,000,000,000 human yrs.)
360 ahoratam= 1 year of brahma
2 kalpa= 1 complete day of brahma (day & night)
1 kalpa= day of brahma =14 manvantaras (1000 yugas)
71 divya yuga (chatur yuga) = 1 manvantara
Krita+Treta+Dvapara+Kali= 1 divya yuga (chatur yuga)
The age of the earth is about 4,320,000,000 years (one day of Brahma that is 1000 times the sum of 4 yugas in years, the creator or Kalpa) which afterward gets destroyed by fire or water elements. Prakriti (primal matter) remains mixed for a Mahakala of 311.04 trillion years and is followed by a maha pralaya (great dissolution) of equal length. The universe (matter) remains manifested for a Kalpa (day of brahma) of 4.32 billion years, where the universe is created at the start followed by partial devastation at the end, only to be recreated at the start of the next Kalpa. Thus, there are regular and systematic cycles of these mahā-kalpas, vikalpas and kalpas.
All matter is based on three inert gunas (qualities or tendencies)- Sattva, Rajas & Tamas. Along with the coming of time in existence three qualities of the material, mode appear. They influence the inner energies of concluding activities- the powers that evolve matter, knowledge of material creations, and the intelligence that guides such materialistic activities.
From tamas, the five elements, namely the sky, sound, touch, water, etc get their qualities. For instance, water is transformed from all variegatedness on earth, appears odorous and, as previously, becomes qualitatively full of juice, touch, sound and form respectively. From the mode of sattva, the mind is generated. The rajas influence the organs like the ear, skin, nose, eyes, tongue, mouth, hands, legs etc. Reactions cannot take place as long as these created parts, namely the elements, senses, mind and modes of nature, are not assembled and possessing their qualities. Thus, when all these became assembled this universe certainly came into being by accepting both the primary and secondary causes of creation
There are three states of the gunas that make up all matter in the universe:
Pradhana (root matter): gunas in an unmixed and unmanifested state (equilibrium).
Prakriti (primal matter): gunas in a mixed and unmanifested state (agitated).
Mahat tattva (universal matter): gunas in a mixed and manifested state.
Manifested subtle elements:
Ahamkara (ego)
Buddhi (intelligence)
Citta (mind)
Manifested gross elements and their associated senses and sense organs that manifest:
space > sound > ear
air > touch > skin
fire > sight/form > eye
water > taste > tongue
earth > smell > nose
When the twenty-three principal elements were set in action, the gigantic universal form came into existence. The ingredients of matter are counted as twenty-three: the total material energy, false ego, sound, touch, form, taste, smell, earth, water, fire, air, sky, eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin, hand, leg, evacuating organ, genitals, speech and mind. All are combined together by the influence of time and are again dissolved in the course of time.
There are nine different kinds of creations besides the one which naturally occurs due to the interactions of the modes. The knowledge of these is essential; because on their understanding basis, further topics like Rasayana shastra, Krishi shastra, Ayurveda etc get comprehended which takes into consideration both the subtle & gross aspects. The mixing element, which is known as time, is counted as the twenty-fifth element. The effulgent mahat-tattva, which contains all the universes within itself, which is the root of all cosmic manifestations and which is not destroyed at the time of annihilation, swallows the darkness that covered the effulgence at the time of dissolution. This further helps in understanding how different interactions lead to resultant effects.
Major Planetary System:
Out of numerous universal bubbles which are present in the Karana Ocean, each & every universe bubble has its own set of 14 planetary systems above the Garbhodaka Ocean comprising upper planetary systems, middle planetary systems & lower planetary systems. The terms planets & planetary systems are not one & same, in fact, the word planetary system is used in a much broader aspect & further gets connected to the location of distinct dvipas. The names of those 14 planetary systems are as follows-
1. Satya loka (Brahma-loka) 2. Tapa-loka 3. Jana-loka 4. Mahar-loka 5. Svarga-loka (Indra-loka) 6. Bhuvar-loka (Sun/Moon plane) 7. Bhu-loka (Earth plane) 8. Atala-loka 9. Vitala-loka 10. Sutala-loka 11. Talatala-loka 12. Mahatala-loka 13. Rasatala-loka 14. Patala loka
Finally, The above-given particulars & calculations are presented from a combination of texts without any interference from personal views and understandings. Besides all this, a major concern in today’s modern India is the absence of a regular chain for the dissemination of ancient knowledge.
The Vedic public speakers aren’t discussing the technical side of scriptures & have kept the audience on the virtue of just mere tales whose logic the audience is unable to justify due to lack of proper knowledge. Moreover, dissemination of the right knowledge is an even greater demand of time due to spreading false information. In addition, there are so many fake copies & translations which have resulted in the wrong interpretation of many texts too. Thus, it's high time to get equipped with at least the basic required knowledge of our valuable ancient scriptures.