When this pandemic has in fact overtaken everything human can comprehend or think. The business world has been impacted largely, yes we got to stay safe at home however the Ecosystem of Business has to keep going on to survive during this times of change ! however, how will it turn around during uncertain lockdown situations is one question business leaders are scrambling to find!
My Answer to this is by building a Resourceful mindset as a Leader!
Resourcefulness is the ability to do the 'Best you can with the least you have creatively', doing so can solve the problem & get the business churning even in times of 'slow down'
If you as a business leader can develop these 2 Characteristics, then the good news is 'You, your team & organization will stay afloat literally!
Resourceful Leaders are Solution Focused: Yes Business leaders will get nervous, they will get worried when projects are getting delayed when business revenues are being hit, the biggest difference in their mindset is 'they will acknowledge the problem but they will not stop there, they will have this belief within that 'if there is a problem, there is a solution too?
They will ask themselves 'powerful empowering questions, asking "how can I solve this? how can I keep business as usual during slow down? "how can I maximize revenues while our customers aren't responding to calls & teams have no clue as to how to keep business as usual during work from home situation ", they not only display this trait as a solution-focused leader but also help their team to develop this key skillset during every conversation helping them to see the brighter side & the possibility of what is possible!
Resourceful leaders are Crazy Creative to Adapt: When a plan A doesn't work Resourceful leaders are consistently keeping their eyes open & their mind alert to ask themself this one crazy question "from my inner genius "what creative solutions can I find to work around this?" "what creative solutions can I be inspired with?"
By observing business trends around me, what could spark my creative edge to help me passionately adapt & innovate so that "customers do engage during these times of uncertainty".
Got the point? Resourceful leaders are consistently 'spending some quiet time reflecting on ways to stay creative during pressure times, they will build their creative & innovative ability by consistently talking & sharing with people within & outside the organization to 'expand their belief as to what impossible could actually be possible during this pandemic!