September 29 Paris - next Power Booster Seminar
(the 7th reason is the coolest :-)
1 An explosive day of ultimate transformation
the testimonies of the participants are edifying like Houssem
who shares with us that he achieved everything he wrote during the exercise
of vision.
2 enjoy the energy of the group
The energy of the group will help you transform yourself. David knows perfectly well
manage the energy level of the group and use the methods of Tony Robbins
to create a high level of energy in the room. It is with this high level of energy that you will have these famous powerful clicks.
3 Network with participants
You will meet people who come with the same ambitions for change as you.
People with whom you will be able to do business perhaps.
4 Change your future in 4 simple and magical steps (see program)
You will create an incredible NLP anchor of self-confidence with exercise
board breaking.
5 you will experience an unforgettable moment with special guest Matilda Aeolia - creator of the method
of vibrational singing —— It will free your voice, your power within you.
6 you will benefit from David to coach you live.
In some seminars the speaker quickly disappears.
The Power Booster is not that type of event. In fact, I have scheduled time during breaks, lunch to be with you, listen to you, coach you live and help you.
7 Bio-Energetix NesHealth scan experience for VIPs
How would you feel if you had an abundance of energy?
How to detect the roots of your fatigue to restore your energy
in just 10 seconds without going through all the traditional medical analyses?
This protocol is based on the following three pillars: information, detoxification and regeneration.
With this protocol you will be able to:
Increase your energy
Improve your metabolism
Slim down and get an ideal weight
Have good mental clarity
Improve your sleep
Improve libido and fertility
Improve digestion and bowel function
Improved kidney and liver function
Reduce pain
IDENTIFY your unconscious beliefs
The Nes Health Bio-EnergetiX System is a simple and effective system that uses a scanner similar to a computer mouse, which will precisely identify energy blockages in each part of your body.
The Biosync software takes the information from the scan and creates a complete report. This report is then read by a Nes Health practitioner, during an appointment that you schedule with him on our calendar. This practitioner will interpret the results and give you recommendations to stimulate your body's abilities to self-heal and to remove energetic blockages in your body.