Whilst we do not condemn advertising of fairness creams; as far as it is just complexion that is in context. The problem begins when the advertising starts digressing the focus from the
‘Complexion’ aspect and propagates an idea that being ‘Fair’ means being ‘Beautiful’. As cliché as this example is, it is from REAL life and which is why the usage.
So who is a ‘Real’ woman? Is she a celebrity? Is she a successful entrepreneur? Is she a skilled housewife? Come to think of it, these questions can never have concrete answers. There can only be ‘perspectives’ as answers to these questions. Women are a storehouse. Of intellect. Of courage. Of endurance. Of love. Of patience.
The only person that can answer who is the ‘Real’ you is yourself. And yes, the probing needs to be done with unabashed honesty to be able to get the answer. India Heart celebrates the women who find themselves. Lose themselves. Find themselves again. To connect to a more real world, we decided to do the photo shoot for India Heart products with women who are inspired to find out the ‘Real’ in them. Our friends Marita Zuliani, Sonia Kulkarni, Priya Ninawe, Nidhi Daga and Varada Gokhale seem to never tire from that journey.
So while we had Marita who has lived in different countries through her life and is a ravishing grandmother today, Sonia is a successful PR evangelist who dotes over her two boys. Priya is a woman of dreams who herself looks like a dream in her photo shoots. Varada is best in class lawyer who is an inside out happy person and I am a communication specialist who has a passion for ‘Words’ more than I have for a man.
Marita who has more life experience than many of us has lived in Montreal, Dammam, Kuwait
City, Abu Dhabi and shifted to Mumbai in February 2015. Changing countries with two children are never easy. In today’s day and age, endurance is sometimes perceived as a weak trait, but Marita turned this ‘Endurance’ into ‘Curiosity’ which helped her adapt living in different countries along with being one of the most knowledgeable people who can talk to you for hours about different people and cultures. During the photoshoot, we got to know that ‘Red’ was her favorite color when she was young.
Now, after being a grandmother, she is besotted with Turquoise and Sage-Green. Well! We think none of us can carry ‘Red’ the way she does! Sonia, on the other hand, has an infectious energy.
A mother of two; she is a go-getter. A determined and focused individual, she did not give up when the sun started to sink. She rose from Flab to Fab Challenge, did Marathons, climbed the corporate ladder through her strenuous efforts; all the while handling 2 sons alone during a separation. Sonia is a source of inspiration who always chooses to rise and shine. Her favorite color is black. Bold but inclusive as she describes it!
Varada’s smile will be etched in your memory long after you meet her. She is a rationalist and a strong independent thinker. She uses these qualities to her advantage in professional life to be efficient, productive and unbiased. A young lawyer by profession, we admire her maturity to be able to assess and tap her potential into constructive pathway professionally, at the same time maintaining a balance in personal life by ensuring her Independent thinking remains a perspective and does not become an opinion. Varada’s favorite color, black, truly reflects who she is. Classy, elegant and positively aggressive.
Priya is beautiful. Yes. We mean her appearance. But she is also beautiful because she is hard working. Rarely, we come across such dedicated individuals with so much maturity in the world of glamor. She believes that one can never shy away from hard work. It’s amazing how she finds ‘Hard Work’ glamorous! More power to her! I am old infused with new. I am anything but predictable (Well, my close ones can predict me easily). I have risen to be a successful communication professional and firmly believe that ‘God is in the details’…
I am not talking religion here. My ability to connect philosophical/religious/psychological dimensions to logical deductions leading to actionable for self-have helped me grow in my career as well overcome tough times. I am content with ‘content’ I create! I love the color Deep blue. Is it because of the depth? We guess so! Together we walked the ramp for effortlessly with grace! What is more inspiring is our ‘Walk in life’! Oh! What was the question we asked in the beginning! We’ll repeat: What really matters? The ‘Real’ matters!