For a long time I’ve been settling for less than I deserve.
The only reason was that I didn’t really know what I deserve.
I thought that my worth is associated with my achievements, my looks, the men that chased me, the friends that asked for my advice,the family’s acknowledgement, the financial status and the settled career path.
However, at some point I realised that nothing really matters, if you don’t know who you truly are.
I was constantly ending up doubting and blaming myself if any of the above didn’t work out as planned. Somehow my mind created this false belief that in order to feel good, everything had to be perfect externally.
But, let me break this down for you and make it as clear as possible.
Everything that you want to have or be or do in this life is because you think you will feel better when you reach it!
But what if one day you woke up and felt good without any external change ?
Then, you would understand that the power is within you and nothing or no one can take that away from you!
You absolutely have the ability to feel good by focusing on what you already have and not on what is missing!
However, it’s essential to make peace with where you’re now.
That doesn’t mean that you have to spend your whole life doing things that you don’t enjoy or staying with people that don’t serve you. But you can always see things in a different perspective.
If you feel overwhelmed because you’re constantly busy in a work environment that you don’t like, it might be an indicator that it’s the time to turn your focus inwards and make a pause. Ask yourself what part of me matches this environment?
If you feel that you’re not doing anything and you’re procrastinating, it might be an indicator that now is the time to take an inspired action.
Feel the fear and do it anyway!
If you don’t feel inspired, then just ask yourself what am I constantly thinking about?
It can be moving to a new city, calling a friend, cleaning your house, going for a walk at a specific place or joining a gym class. It can be something really silly that at the moment you can’t see any value in it.
Whatever it is, just do it without thinking about the outcome or what others will think about your decision.
When I discovered the power of being authentic and not letting anyone’s opinion define my destiny then things started changing dramatically.
I cared less about what others think about me and I focused more on how I feel about me being me.
So, I started taking off layers.
Imagine being born in a wardrobe and mum dressing you with all the clothes that she wore in her entire life.
At some point you’ll feel that you’re not able to breathe, you will want to take off all the clothes slowly slowly until you’re naked.
Being naked sometimes will make you feel uncomfortable and probably at some occasions in your life you’ll want to go back in that wardrobe and search for your old clothes, because they’ll make you feel comfortable again.
But it’s your choice which clothes you choose to wear this time.
I bet you wouldn’t choose a coat in August or a t-shirt in December.
You’ll come to realise that life has its own seasons and your job is to choose wisely how to act and what is the purpose of each season in your experience!
My purpose as a wellness coach is to help you identify the beliefs that don’t serve you any more and guide you to alignment with the true powerful self that you are born to be!