Accessing your neshamah state involves a technique that can be described as a pleasurable form of soul searching. For many people this is possible through guided imagery: Imagine a beautiful landscape or place that you find relaxing and rejuvenating. It may be the Grand Canyon, a mountain, a lake, or a sunset. In your mind, go to that place and describe to yourself the landscape with all its colours, sounds, warmth, and scents.
Feel the place. Experience the sense of calm and relaxation that you feel in such a place. Once you have made this first step and are calmly experiencing this landscape, now realize that the reason this place of external beauty grants you this feeling of calm is that it reflects the Grand Canyon, mountain, lake, or sunset that resides within your inner self.
Search deep into your soul and find the warmest, most sensitive and relaxed part of yourself. That is the Grand Canyon, mountain, lake, or sunset within you. This sense of peace within your psyche arises because this place inside you represents — and is — your awareness of your best attribute, your middah tovah.
Your neshamah is drawn to the Grand Canyon, lake, or sunset because it senses a similarity; it intuits and “sees” itself in nature. This is why you feel so wholesome, uplifted, liberated, and energized in that place. You now have the key to overcome anxiety.